doc. dr. sc. Sofia Ana Blažević
The PI has 11 years of experience in the study of the molecular basis of behavior, specifically the role of serotonin in social behavior, and ample experience on work with laboratory animals. She will coordinate all stages of the project, working closely with all members of the research group to ensure the successful execution of the project. SAB will lead research stages of sampling after behavioral testing in the laboratory, NGS transcriptome sequencing, and expression studies on genes (mRNA and protein level) related to differential neurochemical levels. She will also be in charge of all the installation stages, especially project implementation, Follow up on the development of the doctoral student and training of members, supervision of master students involved in the project, lead the preparation of publications and application to other funding sources. The PI bears responsibility for any financial costs within the project.
doc. dr. sc. Zoran Marčić
Zoran is an expert invertebrate biology and fieldwork research as well as in work on captive populations of wild vertebrates. In addition, he participated in a zoology field course for 13 years where students are thought vertebrate ecology in the field. He will participate in field research and sampling as well as lizard phenotyping. He will actively participate in the analysis of results and preparation of publications.

dr. sc. Olga Malev
OM is an expert in liquid chromatography (HPLC) and the development/validation of analytical methods for the characterization of complex biological samples of different origins. She will be participating in the analysis of dopaminergic and serotoninergic responses in collected brain tissue and plasma samples. The main tasks will be method development, implementation, and validation of selected analytical approaches to detect and quantify main monoamine neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline, noradrenaline) and their metabolites using HPLC.
mag. oecol. et prot. nat. Marko Glogoški
Marko has begun 2017 a 6-year contract at the Faculty of Science, and works on individual differences in behavior, using both Podarcis species, Siculus and Melisellensis, as models. The Department has assigned him as a research assistant to this project. MG will be involved in the fieldwork, behavioral measurements in the laboratory, and associated data analysis and will work on the improvement of behavioral research core service. He will and develop an efficient model for the integration of the obtained data. He is expected to defend his doctoral thesis before the end of his contract on July 2023.

mag. biol. exp. Tomislav Gojak
Tomislav studied Zoology at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, finished his Master and received a degree (mag. biol. exp.) in 2020. Currently, a Ph.D. student, employed at the Department of Animal Physiology from 2020 as a young researcher – assistant.
mag. biol. exp. Dunja Šikić
Dunja studied Physiology and Immunobiology at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, finished hers Master and received a degree (mag. biol. exp.) in 2020. Currently, a Ph.D. student, employed at the Department of Animal Physiology from 2020 as a young researcher – assistant.